Member Benefits
Your membership enables us to support you - adding your voice to ours - in pressing for changes at the local, state or federal level to strengthen our industry. Membership is also an excellent way to build local business contacts – we encourage our members to "Do Business with a Member”.
Federation Membership
When you join BRHBA, you are also automatically enrolled into the Home Builders Association of Virginia, HBAV, and the National Association of Home Builders, NAHB.
Working as a team, these three associations are focused on protecting YOUR interests on issues that impact YOUR bottom line.
Member Communications
When you join BRHBA, you will begin receiving communications from us regarding events and industry news. Make sure to add us to your inbox so as not to miss out on this valuable information!
NAHB Member Savings

As a benefit of being an NAHB member, you have access to discounts and savings opportunities offered by many top companies. Company discounts include: HOUZZ, Dell, Lowe’s, UPS, and much more! Click here for the complete list of details.
Or check out our video outlining all of your Member Savings and Discounts.
Business Networking Events
BRHBA tries to hold at least one business networking event each month. Whether it's a Happy Hour event, a Clay Shoot or a member led Lunch & Learn, members who participate are those who find the most value in our association. So, we encourage you to attend as many events as possible. Make sure to check out our Events Calendar and register for one of our upcoming events and see for yourself how networking with your industry peers can make a huge difference in your business.
Health Insurance & Employee Benefits
Through your HBAV membership, you have access to apply for a variety of Insurance Benefits through the HBAV Insurance Agency.
The HBAV Insurance Agency can provide HBAV members with all insurance needs. HBAV Insurance Agency has been successful catering to the needs of members of the Home Builders Association of Virginia and only marketing competitively priced and high-quality insurance products.
Truly a one stop shop, HBAV Insurance Agency proudly represents elite and diverse insurance companies that share their core values of trust, honesty and integrity. Knowing that all of their clients require exceptional knowledge and attention, HBAV Insurance Agency strives to stay ahead of the curve in an industry that’s constantly shifting.
HBAV Member Rebates Program
The HBAV Member Rebate Program is a Manufacturers rebates program that rewards you by giving you quarterly rebates on products you probably already use. When you participate in the HBAV Member Rebate Program, every home you build can earn you rebate checks! Remember, both Builders AND Remodelers qualify for the HBAV Member Rebate Program.

Small Business Growth Partners
HBAV and BRHBA have been working with Small Business Growth Partners to provide members with a free Business Diagnostic and Plan of Action (BPA). This $2,000 value is a 12-month business “Plan of Action” for you and your company, broken down by the disciplines of business – sales, marketing, processes and systems, team and people, actions and accountability, financial tracking, and planning.
Through this HBAV member benefit, you will also receive a full DISC/Motivational profile on yourself and up to 10 key team members (an HBAV member favorite!). The deliverable is a highly researched, extremely clear, and actionable 40+ page “road map” for you and your business. The BPA will also be fully explained to you in a 1.5 hour BPA Outbrief with two executive coaches.
Click the button below to learn more and get started today!